3 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine

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    The Ukrainian economy cannot ensure economic reconstruction after the war and needs new opportunities for its development. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important instrument that can help. FDI provides capital relevant for increasing the profitability of economic sectors. FDI is also part of political investment - should be given priority in government activities. For this reason, it triggers economic growth and improves macroeconomic performance when it is used to develop the market and its infrastructure. In this article, I give an overview of the understanding of FDI and its actual situation in Ukraine. The arguments reflect mainly an investor's point of view. This helps to emphasize the importance of realistic and informative data for assessing the attractiveness of Ukraine. A first step in this direction is made with reference to international indices. I will try to review a reflection of relevant indices, which provide an assessment of the macroeconomic situation in Ukraine. The main results of the article: an overview of the real situation with FDI in Ukraine and the importance of using international indices during the FDI processes. The benefits of FDI do not appear automatically. It depends on the investment policy of host countries, especially Ukraine. My contribution to this article is to draw attention to the current situation with FDI in Ukraine and the issue of the lack of systematic use of international indices during the FDI processes. Without a clear understanding of these issues, it is impossible to answer the following questions that need to be studied, such as how to solve the challenges with FDI and attract new foreign capital to Ukraine. The article will be of interest to those who are interested in the issue of investment policy in the context of Ukraine, study this issue at the scientific level, and practically develop and implement the strategy of investment policy in Ukraine. The main conclusion of the article is to show the importance of revising the approaches to political investment in Ukraine, taking into account the international evaluation indices

    Restoring Ukraine: Parallels Between Visegrad Group and East Germany in the 90s

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    Ukraine's post-conflict economy needs new opportunities to grow because it has not been able to rebuild itself economically. As we live in an era of globalization, it is crucial that national economies - especially Ukraine's - meet the demands of the international community. With its advantageous geo-economic position between the East and the West, its geographic centre within Europe, and its abundance of natural resources, Ukraine has every opportunity to become a truly vital component of the global economy. These days, the subject of Ukraine comes up frequently in conversations with a wide variety of people. Unfortunately, there isn’t a consensus on a single strategy for solving the goal-setting conundrum and a precise algorithm for achieving that goal. To date, there isn’t the single national recovery plan with legal status that other recovery actors can use as a tactical weapon. To develop a model of Ukraine's post-war economic recovery, to define the country's recovery goal, and to provide an answer to the question of how to get there, in this essay I have tried to examine the experience of other countries that have recovered economically from crises. The focus is on the study of the Visegrad Group and East Germany during the 1990s. I have attempted to organize the major influences and theories that might be relevant to the study of Ukraine's restoration.Die Post-Konflikt-Wirtschaft der Ukraine braucht neue Wachstumschancen, da es ihr nicht gelungen ist, sich wirtschaftlich wieder aufzubauen. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass die Volkswirtschaften, insbesondere die der Ukraine, den Anforderungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft gerecht werden. Mit ihrer vorteilhaften geoökonomischen Lage zwischen Ost und West, ihrem geografischen Zentrum in Europa und ihrem Reichtum an natürlichen Ressourcen hat die Ukraine alle Chancen, ein wirklich wichtiger Teil der Weltwirtschaft zu werden. Das Thema Ukraine kommt heute in Gesprächen mit den unterschiedlichsten Menschen immer wieder zur Sprache. Leider gibt es keinen Konsens über eine einheitliche Strategie zur Lösung des Zielproblems und über einen genauen Algorithmus zur Erreichung dieses Ziels. Bisher gibt es keinen einzigen nationalen Sanierungsplan mit Rechtsstatus, den andere Sanierungsakteure als taktische Waffe einsetzen könnten. Um ein Modell für die wirtschaftliche Erholung der Ukraine nach dem Krieg zu entwickeln, das Erholungsziel des Landes zu definieren und eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, wie man dorthin gelangt, habe ich in diesem Aufsatz versucht, die Erfahrungen anderer Länder zu untersuchen, die sich wirtschaftlich von Krisen erholt haben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Untersuchung der Visegrád-Gruppe und Ostdeutschlands in den 1990er Jahren. Ich habe versucht, die wichtigsten Einflüsse und Theorien zu ordnen, die für die Untersuchung der Erholung der Ukraine relevant sein könnten


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